
Model Making

I am part of Goldschmidt

© Tom Schulze


Model Making

David first started with an internship at our location Elektro-Thermit in Halle (Saale). He then began his training as an Industrial Mechanic there, which he recently successfully completed. David now works in the model making department.

The training to become an Industrial Mechanic was broad based, including model making, working on machines and equipment, and the machining of metal. I like to do things you can see and touch. Right from the start I was able to work on components and assemblies made from metal, plastic and aluminium and do more than just observe. The training was very well structured and organised. All the contents of the training were presented to me in great detail.

I still learn a lot and enjoy the complete trust of my team. I appreciate the open atmosphere and cooperation between colleagues at Goldschmidt. I have competent colleagues who are always open to my questions and will find time for me. I also find Thermit® welding particularly exciting. On the recommendation of my trainer, I was able to participate in a special training seminar on this subject.

The chances of being taken on after my training were good. This was an additional incentive for me. Now I have graduated and I’m very happy that I was offered a job.