Since the invention of the Thermit® welding process and continuously welded track, Goldschmidt has driven the development of railbound traffic. Today, this means that track related data is collected, stored, processed and analysed to continuously improve the operation of railways. With its digitalization initiative Dari®, Goldschmidt is pushing for the digital future of track.
Visionary ideas need powerful solutions
With the diverse elements of our global digitalisation initiative Dari® – Data acquisition for rail infrastructure – railway infrastructure operators can manage their tracks in a smarter, more effective and sustainable way. Based on a thorough understanding of track construction and maintenance processes, Goldschmidt’s digital tools, measurement systems, software solutions, cloud databases, services and interfaces are designed to provide optimal support for the relevant technical applications.
Experience new dimensions in track operations. With Dari® by Goldschmidt.
Goldschmidt was the first company to provide digital tools and software solutions to support the execution of the Thermit® welding process, thereby setting new standards in process quality and transparency. Its track inspection tools and systems portfolio is the broadest in the industry not only in terms of technical functionality. Our capability extends from simple manual rail geometry measurement to fully automated high speed rail flaw detection. For the best measurement results, Goldschmidt uses a wide variety of technologies including video inspection, laser-based detection as well as ultrasonic or eddy current measurement systems. These technologies are made available in handheld devices, as trolleys, or as complex onboard systems in trains.
Data collected from digital tools or measurement systems only realises its optimisation potential when analysed and used to improve track quality or track operation. For this, Goldschmidt has developed a variety of tailored software solutions. These include easy to use mobile apps that allow collected data to be quickly visualised and checked against requirements, but also expert systems for big data analysis of captured video using machine learning algorithms. In addition, there are cloud databases for special applications and of course, data collected by Goldschmidt tools or measurement systems can be made available through interfaces for any kind of customer specific IT solution.