Creators of Veritasium collaborate with Goldschmidt on Thermit® videos

The creators of Veritasium, a well-known US-based science and engineering channel on YouTube, reached out to our group company Elektro-Thermit in Halle, Germany in early 2024 with the idea of an educational cooperation to create video content all around Thermit®.

Elektro-Thermit is the largest and state-of-the-art Goldschmidt Thermit® development and production site, currently supplying Thermit® to more than 40 countries worldwide – a perfect fit for the video creators‘ project.

Said and done: In early September, Veritasium creator Derek Muller and his team came to Halle for a total of 5 days of filming. They were hosted by Elektro-Thermit Managing Director Dr. Axel Hoeschen, Head of Development Christof Gaßmann and other Thermit® experts from our group company and introduced to the versatile and fascinating world of Thermit®.

The first of three Thermit® video episodes was published on YouTube on October 5, 2024. It offers exciting insights into the chemistry of the Thermit® reaction and shows Thermit® experiments that have never been shown on film before. It is exclusively available on the Veritasium YouTube channel.

Watch the first Veritasium Thermit® video:


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