Inspection train handed over to Slovakian State Railways

Inspection train handed over to Slovakian State Railways

Goldschmidt hands over first inspection train of its kind in Bratislava

In August, the first inspection train of its kind in Slovakia was handed over to the management of the Slovakian State Railways ZSR. The train was consecrated in a solemn ceremony by the Bishop of Bratislava. The inspection train is equipped with an 8-channel eddy current inspection system from PLR Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe GmbH  – a Goldschmidt company – as well as video and ultrasonic inspection systems. The latter limits the operating speed to 65 km/h.

“ZSR regards this vehicle and the inspection data integrated into its infrastructure management system via another project partner as a crucial element for the safety of rail operations, especially in preparation for high-speed traffic between Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria,” says Stefan Damm,  Head of the Business Field Inspection Solutions for the Goldschmidt Group.